Thursday, September 30, 2004

HADLEY MTN ADK FIRE TOWER (The "Beginning" Hike)

My wife's uncle Nick, his young son Louie and I went on a hike up my first ADK firetower on Hadley Mtn. This was my real introductory hike in the Adirondacks, and even though it was chilly and overcast I enjoyed it a lot. We left the trailhead and climbed to the mostly open summit. There was the firetower, and although the cab wasn't open we went up as high as possible on the stairs. There were nice distant views of Sacandaga Lake as well as the High Peaks.

 Hadley Mountain Trailhead

 Hadley Mountain Summit

Hadley Mountain Firetower

View from Firetower

View from Summit

Just below the firetower is the old observers cabin. Nearby was what seemed like it was a root cellar.

Fire Observers Cabin

Nick & Louie in the Root Cellar

We descended the mountain and this hike really got me interested in hiking for sure. Nick asked me if I wanted to go to the High Peaks and I said sure!