Thursday, August 30, 2012


I set out solo to hike Allen mountain along the East River Trail from Upper Works. It was a chilly morning and I wasn't looking forward to wading the cold Hudson River in my water shoes. Fortunately when I reached the river the water was low and I was able to rock-hop accross.

A cool early morning on the Hudson

I continued on to Lake Jimmy where I crossed the delapidated planks without too much trouble (Note: Lake Jimmy now has a bypass trail instead of the boardwalk). I continued past the Mt Adams Trail and after a couple of turns I was alongside the Opalescent River. It was along this stretch that I scared up a large creature which splashed from the river into the brush, I only caught a glimpse but since it was big and black I'd say it was a bear! My first wild sighting while hiking. I came to the Opalescent River crossing, which was also easily crossable. I stashed my watershoes near the river to get on the way back.

Lake Jimmy Boardwalk (*Since Removed)

Early Morning on Lake Jimmy

The Opalescent River

I arrived at the junction with the trail to Mt Marcy and met a father/daughter hiking duo headed for Allen. We continued on together and I learned that they would be finishing their 46'er quest on Whiteface Mtn. We followed the Allen Herdpath to where it intersects the private road and parking area. We signed into the DEC sign in box there and we headed up the herdpath towards Allen. We crossed Skylight Brook and then the herdpath brought us up Allen Brook. Towards the top the terrain got very steep and their was some open rock, the views behind us as we climbed started to open up. This part was tricky as some of it was wet and slippery, but we made it up without too much trouble. We reached the ridge and the summit was a short walk further. The summit is wooded but there are various openings and views nearby.


Steep section of the slide

View from the slide

Allen Summit

Western View

Eastern View

Southwestern View

Northern View

We had lunch and then started our descent. There was a couple of slip ups but nothing serious. The rest of the trip was just going back over the terrain from earlier in the day. The weather remained nice and we made good time back to the trailhead. I congratulated my two hiking companions on their impending 46'er finish and headed home after a long but fullfilling day in the woods.

Hommade ALLEN sign

View from Upper Works Rd on the drive out